
New updates and improvements to Salestio

Salestio Updates, July 7

New Feature


Salestio Team is here. We are happy to share with you the most recent updates to Salestio. During this time, we have been working on small and big improvements to the app as well as major tasks that take more time to complete. See more details below.

If you would like to suggest your ideas of how we can make the app better, feel free to contact our support team at, or share your idea in Salestio roadmap. We would love to hear from you!

Support for the Extended Producer Responsibility for eBay

This regulation is supposed to prevent and manage waste. According to this new law, manufacturers, importers, and eBay sellers are responsible for the entire life cycle of the products they sell.

This feature is important if you sell on eBay France.

From the technical point, it required adding new fields that you can submit in the under Salestio > Profiles > eBay profile. They will be shown if the select marketplace is France.


Last week, we published a detailed article in Salestio Blog. If you would like to find more about this regulation, check the following article: Extended Producer Responsibility Requirements for eBay Marketplace and How it affects sellers 


We are constantly working to simplify UX in Salestio and to make the app work better for the specific business needs. Your ideas and suggestions are always welcomed since most of these tasks were completed based on the feedback from Salestio users.

  • Moved the "eBay profile" form to the Selling List settings.

This way, you can skip additional step to go to the eBay profile if you need to add a new one or if you need to make changes to the existing eBay profile. You can do so right from the create/edit Selling List form. Here you have the option to save the added eBay profile to use it in another Selling List as a template, or simply add the required fields without adding any templates.

  • Added support to send up to 12 images for eBay products.

Previously, it was possible to send up to 9 images but now you can add even more. You can do so in the eBay profile or just in the Selling List settings. Just move the slider to the preferred number of images.

  • Added the Log message when the listings were connected via Sync from the Inventory tab.

This message helps to identify how the products were connected. If the products were connected between the two platforms via Sync, the following message is shown: The product [name, SKU] was successfully connected via Sync Inventories.

  • Add the Shopify order page link to the Order details in Salestio.

If you would like to check the specific Shopify order from Salestio, you can simply click the order link from the Order Details page in Salestio. It will take you straight to the order in Shopify.

  • Added the ability to edit the mappings in the Creation profile for Etsy.

Previously, it was possible to add or remove the mapping from the Etsy Creation profile. With this improvement, you can edit the added mapping anytime you need.

What's In Progress

Our team started working on adding the support for the Amazon Vendor Central account. we have already added the ability to add this type of account to Salestio. The next step is to actually import the orders from this account to Shopify.


Amazon vendor integration

Most people have a seller account, but it would be great to also support vendor accounts.

In progress


The new Creation profile form is on the way. It is on the final stages of beta testing and further improvements to the actual form.


Product creation on Amazon

As a user, I would like to be able to create new listings on Amazon from my Shopify products.

Nadia Savoniuk
In progress


For Etsy integration, we not only added more and more features to the Listing creation functionality but also completed a couple of tasks for the ability to connect Shopify products to existing Etsy listings.

We also working to improve the product creation functionality by giving the ability to add extra attributes depending on the Etsy category. Stay tuned :)

An important part to connect existing Etsy listings to Shopify products is to show the Etsy inventory inside Salestio. We added the main functionality to show the page with search and filtering options. Now, we are working on pulling the inventories from the connected accounts.


Etsy Integration

As a Shopify store owner, I would like to expand my sales to Etsy. Can you add this integration to Salestio?

Nadia Savoniuk